Let’s be honest – sometimes, our goals are tied to looking and feeling a certain way in our clothes, whether it’s a new dress or that pair of jeans in the back of your closet – and that’s okay.
The truth is, when you feel great, you radiate confidence, which can go a long way in influencing how you look – not just in that dress, but overall. Wondering what you can do to feel and look your best? Try this three-step approach that focuses on toning your physique, eating right and the importance of stretching and standing tall.
Let’s get toned
A well-balanced exercise plan contains both cardio and resistance training. Here are seven moves to add to your routine and help you feel confident and strong.
Multi-directional squat with bar – this exercise challenges your coordination, engages your glutes and works your inner thigh muscles. As an added benefit, lower body exercises burn significant calories.
Box jumps – this total lower body cardio move engages your glutes and challenges your calves and core muscles.
Burpees – this total-body mix of a squat, step-back, plank, push-up and jump is intense, but it can help enhance your coordination and strengthen several muscles at the same time.
Curtsy lunge followed by single leg deadlift – this exercise focuses on the outer glutes and the hamstrings.
Forearm plank (hold for 60 seconds) – this exercise is great for pulling in and strengthening your core. Take deep breaths and be sure you’re not putting too much pressure on your neck or back. Try to let your abs do most of the work.
Pike roll with an exercise ball (hold for 30 seconds) – this is a great move for toning your shoulders and abs. Get into a push-up position with your feet placed on an exercise ball instead of the floor. The closer the ball is to your abs, the higher the difficulty. Keeping your abs tight, press your hips up towards the ceiling. Then, come back to your original straight position. Keep your back flat throughout this exercise.
You’re eating right, right?
If you want to see differences in your physique, you’ve got to be dedicated when it comes to your eating habits. The best workout program in the world won’t give you the results you want if you’re not paying attention to what’s on your plate. For tips on jump-starting a new plan, go here. To find a meal plan that’s right for you, check out this guide. And, if you find you need help getting your hunger under control, check out these tips.
Sit up straight
Who hasn’t found themselves hunched over their computer during a long day? Focus on pulling your shoulders back and try to incorporate regular yoga stretches into your day – this can really help lengthen and streamline your posture. And if you’ve made it this far, go ahead and reward yourself with a good stretch.
Whether it’s a new dress that’s motivating you or just a desire to feel your best, you’re on the right track. Go ahead and give these confidence-boosting healthy habits a try. Don’t feel like you need to do them all at once, either. Change creates change, so start with small changes (like posture) and work your way up to bigger ones (burpees, we’re looking at you).
Find out more at: http://www.DiscoverHerbalife.com