Try a HIIT-style workout this holiday season.

Think you’re too busy to squeeze in a holiday workout? Think again. Here’s how to find the time.

You’re busy, it’s the holidays, and it’s hard to find time to fit your workout into your busy party and travel schedule. However, with a little planning and motivation, I’m sure you can find the time to get your heart rate up and keep your fitness goals on track.

Here are eight simple ways to squeeze a workout routine into your day.

Jump-start your day: Jump out of bed and do a quick workout in your pj’s. It will get your blood flowing as well as promote the release of your natural endorphins to help you start your day feeling good. You can focus on a new body part each day, such as legs on Monday, abs on Tuesday, and by the end of the week, you can feel good about working your whole body.

Switch to HIIT: If you’re used to doing long workouts, consider switching over to a HIIT style. HIIT is fantastic for when you’re short on time because it provides you with the same positive health benefits that are associated with exercise, such as increased caloric burn, improved heart health, increased aerobic and anaerobic fitness and improved muscular strength, but in less time. There are many different interpretations of HIIT, with a variety of exercises, intensity levels and rest periods to choose from. It’s suitable no matter what your level.

Invest: Invest in some inexpensive fitness essentials, such as hand weights, resistance bands and a yoga mat. Having these basics at home will mean you can still get in some resistance exercises when you don’t have time to get to the gym.

Walk it out: If you want to stay active, walking is a perfect choice for burning a few extra calories. You can vary your speed and incline to make it more challenging, and the fresh air outdoors will help boost your energy levels.

Use your mobile: Let technology help you stay on track with your fitness goals this holiday season. There are so many creative online workouts to use, and many apps allow you to compete with others or track your progress. Fitness websites can give you easy access to many free exercise routines that you can do at home.

Buddy up: Consider having a friend join you for some exercise, as it will help keep you motivated and accountable. A perfect holiday exercise is dancing, whether you take a formal online class or dance to the X-Box.

The holidays don’t have to be spent eating and sitting on the sofa this year. Make an effort to stay healthy and fit by squeezing a little activity into your day.

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