We all know that getting into shape requires consistent dedication to physical training, but it’s important to make sure you keep a holistic approach to your routine – which means taking time to focus on the mental side of things as well.
Athletes often say that the mental side of their sport is just as important as the physical training they do each day. Here are the key elements, both physical and mental, that can help give you an edge with your own training routine and goals.
Pillars of successful training
Our fitness philosophy is based on the following five principles: Balance, Personalization, Safety, Nutrition Timing and Lifestyle. To create a more well-rounded approach, we’re adding two more: Focus and Dedication.
Balance – we promote a balanced approach to exercise that incorporates the five key components of health-related fitness: body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility. Make sure that your routine includes these key elements of physical performance.
Safety – proper progression and regression of exercises is essential for injury prevention and achieving optimal exercise-induced adaptations. If you want your body to change, you must look after it. You can push yourself, but never compromise with proper exercise form.
Personalization – your fitness plan should be based on your individual exercise history, current level of fitness and desired fitness goals. Start out at the level that is right for you.
Nutrition Timing – understanding proper pre-, during- and post-exercise nutrition is necessary to achieve your fitness goals.
Lifestyle – exercise is an important component of an overall healthy lifestyle, which includes proper sleep, hygiene, nutrition, social support and personal connection. These lifestyle factors all influence your ability to achieve and maintain your results.
Focus – take the time to mentally prepare for your workouts. This includes implementing a set routine and planning your pre-workout nutrition so that you can devote all your energy to your workout. When you can truly focus on your training session and be more self-aware, you’ll use better form, which can have a positive effect on your training intensity level.
Dedication – it’s important to commit to following your training and nutrition plans. Try writing down positive affirmations weekly and even daily to give yourself a boost of motivation. As you reach your goals, be sure to set new ones.
To train at your best, you need to find an approach that helps you build mental as well as physical strength. Use these pillars to check in with yourself and make sure you’re setting yourself up for success. Take the time to develop and increase your personal focus so you can truly get the most out of your fitness routine.
Find out more at: http://www.DiscoverHerbalife.com